Great Signs for the Border for 2021

One key question for planning a 2021 trip to Canada is the current border closure and travel ban on International travelers to Canada because of Covid.  The government is being very conservative and cautious with the current situation. We believe the border will be open for 2021 with a system of safety protocols put in place.  Based on news many may already be aware of; we are very optimistic for 2021.

The International airports in Calgary, Toronto, and Vancouver have now implemented or about to implement new pilot programs to allow International travelers to enter Canada without facing a mandatory 14-day quarantine.  (Please keep in mind entry is currently only available to International travelers with relevant business or family matters in Canada) In late September, Canada ordered 7.9 million Rapid Covid tests from Abbott Diagnostics with deliveries beginning now thru the New Year. The Premier of Ontario has requested Ottawa develop a special program to allow all International travelers to enter Ontario without quarantine restrictions.

In the last week, the first three major companies have announced vaccines with amazing 90% plus efficacies and the UK has already approved one with more to follow. Two of them will be available in the US before the end of December 2020.  Several authorities have stated coronavirus vaccines will be available to the general US public by May 2021 or earlier. A similar timeline is anticipated for Canada. Goldman/Sachs just released a chart showing both Canada and the US achieving herd immunity by April/May (70% plus inoculated). According to Prime Minister Trudeau, “We now see light at the end of the tunnel.”

The peak of Canadian tourism runs from May thru October. International travel generates 6 billion Tourist dollars a month to the Canadian economy. We believe all of these developments are the precursors of an overall protocol to reopen the border in 2021. Belize, the Bahamas, Alaska, Hawaii and other destinations have all instituted similar programs successfully without a vaccine in place. With the new vaccines coming online soon, this will enable the Canadian government to reopen borders successfully and safely for all. The Canadian government has been very cautious during this crisis and all travelers can rest assured once Canada is reopened to international travelers it will be one of the safest vacation destinations on the planet. Ganglers will add its own heightened safety and cleaning protocols to add a further layer of safety.

We are so close we can smell the Canadian Northwoods pine! Time to get back to the Great Canadian North all of us love so deeply.  We still have some space available for 2021, please contact us for more info. We can’t wait!

In the meantime, we wish all good health and safety with the great Canadian Sub-Arctic right around the corner. Put it on your list for 2021!