A spectacular treat for our late August-September guests was the beginnings of the caribou migration at our Courage Lake Tundra location on the Nunavut border. The migration started in late August and continued thru late September. Many guests walked to the Manitoba/Nunavut border marker and viewed caribou on the tundra. It is truly magical seeing caribou in their natural setting, roaming the beautiful tundra. A very special treat !
The Kaminuriak herd of Nunavut and Northern Manitoba is Canada’s healthiest herd, numbering around 250,000 animals. Their calving grounds lie 180 miles North of North Seal River Lodge and many winter right around the lodge.
To see them in the wild is an experience one will never forget.
‘Drone shot of Courage Lake caribou’
‘Caribou roaming the esker on the Manitoba/Nunavut border’